BandaGo for Clinics

Take control of your clinic finances.

Save money. BandaGo helps you to see your costs and then control them. BandaGo automatically tracks medicine sales over time, and calculates demand for you so that you can buy large quantities at wholesale prices – to save you 50% or more in medicine costs.

Save time. Automated reports sent straight to your smartphone.  

Get help when you need it. We’re here to help you succeed. BandaGo is designed and supported by a team of healthcare professionals and computer programmers right here in Nairobi.

Why become a BandaGo user?

Using BandaGo as your Health Management Information System (HMIS) will enable you to: 

  1. Quickly monitor your stock levels
  2. Easily order and receive your medicines and supplies
  3. Track which patients were seen, who paid, who didn’t pay
  4. See your cash flow to manage your clinic’s sustainability 
  5. Create reports to view your clinical trends (aiding in continuity of care for your patients)
  6. Produce electronic reports (for example mandatory MOH705 in Kenya)
  7. Manage your clinic/pharmacy remotely online and scale your operations to more locations

Site requirements

Are you ready to start using BandaGo?  We are looking to win new clients as we continue to improve and expand BandaGo from users feedback and utilization. We build what works for our users. So if you meet the following criteria, please contact us:

  1. Desktop, laptop or tablet
  2. Internet access

Sign Up & Use BandaGo


Answers to common questions

Banda Health raises funding to support the ongoing development and deployment of the robust BandaGo solution. Client clinics pay only an annual subscription fee to help cover some of the expenses of maintaining the system securely online. We offer the following pre-payment options:

Annual:  KSh 5,500/= for 12 months

Quarterly:  KSh 1,500/= for 3 months

Monthly:  Ksh 500/= for one month

Payment can be made via Mpesa.

Yes. This is a great question.  We take data security seriously, and get advice from a US-based data security expert to be sure we do everything we can to keep your and your patient’s data secure.  Both our online and our backup databases are encrypted, and we utilize multiple approaches to keeping both the servers and the solutions protected from hackers. We ensure that the servers and applications are always kept up to date. Access to the servers is restricted and firewalls are in place to limit both incoming and outgoing traffic. We monitor continuously for any breaches to that security, and address them immediately in consultation with data security experts.  

To read the fine print, you can access our Terms of Service and our Privacy Policy. Thanks!